Saturday 16 August 2014

Mother Dearest.

A few weeks ago while reading God's Word, the Holy Spirit began to put in my heart to write on both purpose and abortion. Both are topics that truly have an impact in society because everyone has their own opinion towards these topics due to the fact that both can truly be life changing. Before getting into either one I just want to bring you to read a few verses that really have to do with purpose. The Word of God tells us that ,Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love.,(Ephesians 1:3) This verse we just read speaks to us about ourselves and even babies who aren't born yet and how God has chosen us and settled on us as the focus of his love.

Apart from being chosen God also has a plan for our lives and the children of the next generation, when abortion comes in what happens is that not only the fetus is killed but also God's plan for that child's life. God spoke to Jerimiah about purpose and he said:" I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah‬ ‭1‬:‭4-5‬. In this case God told Jerimiah about his purpose and just like Jerimiah the prophet , God has chosen these babies who will grow up to walk in God's purpose for their lives; whether they are called to be prophets, apostles, pastors or even if they are not called to ministry,God has called them for a specific purpose here on earth through their careers and he has called everyone to be a history maker in this world. I speak to you mothers to be whether you are a teen or a woman,  if you are planning on  abortion for whatever reason, I just want you for a few minutes to meditate on what your baby would say if he or she could speak? What would they say in reference to your plans on abortion? Would they approve of these plans?  Imagine if they were already born would you still try to kill them, even at the sight of their cuteness? What do you think God is saying? After choosing your baby with a plan and purpose , even right now in the process of forming them, what would he say in reference to your decision.

Right now I speak to Mothers to be who are planning to abort because of any medical reasons. Before I was born or let's rewind a bit back...Before my mother knew she was pregnant she had a problem with her colon and went to the doctor to get some x-rays done. At that point she was pregnant but yet didn't know it so she got x-rays done. After a while she finds out she is pregnant but a few months later the nurses tell her that because of the x-rays she had gotten I was in danger of coming out deformed due to any radiation that could have affected me.. My father and mother prayed to God and believed that I would come out healthy. When I was born , I was 4lbs and the nurses told my mom that I was completely healthy and that I would grow up perfectly fine. It doesn't matter what the doctors say about your baby , yes they are there for a reason and I support what they of but you also need to know that the enemy knows that these babies have been created by God and have a purpose here on this earth And for that reason he wants less of them to be born. God is a God of the impossible, Jesus is the miracle maker, nothing is too hard for him.

Whatever your reason may be that child deserves to live indifferently of what has happened outside of your womb. If you are a teen that is pregnant, it takes more courage to be a mother and love a child than to abort him or her. Yes you have a life ahead of you but remember that  God can help you in this situation and be the father that maybe isn't there in the natural. My prayer today is that when you read this poem the Holy Spirit may begin to speak to you personally and touch your heart, that your mind may be renewed and that you will find hope and an unconditional and unfailing love in the Father.
I leave you with the following poem:

Mother Dearest.
Written by: Daniela Casaca.

I can sense what it is like inside of you.
All the hurt, the tears, the rejection,
Every emotion,I feel it too.
See it's not just you anymore, we are two.
For now it's just me, in you.

Eight letters, 3 words.
Overused by many people,outside in the world.
Crushed, broken, destroyed many times,
A twisted conception of these words began inside.
It all started when he said he wasn't sure,
Confused about it all, in his life,you weren't even third.
Taking away any self esteem in you, he ran.
He sprinted away from the responsibility of being a dad.

Those short words, he says to you.
His death was the strongest act to show just how much,
He loves you.
Just like me ,he created you too.
He doesn't see you like others do,
Eyes of love and mercy, gaze at your heart.
Unlike others he wants to stay, being with you always.
Until the end of days.
His name you may have heard.

See God created me, to be born out of your womb.
Life is in him.
A purpose, a plan and a destiny.
An evangelist , a prophet, a preacher,
Whatever he chooses me to be.
Don't abort this plan, or my life to come.
He will give you courage, strength and wisdom.
In these 9 months you will know what it's like to be loved.
A love so strong from your daddy above.

I want to know what it's like to be wrapped around in those arms.
To see that beautiful smile.
To make you proud.
Growing each day by your side.
Being filled with love more and more inside,
soon you will feel.
When you see me for the first time and know I am real.
Don't abort my journey, I beg you not to.
For I will always love you.

God Bless, Love You.

Daniela Casaca

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